A typical day in our preschool classrooms includes:
- Arrival/Greeting
- Parent-teacher connections, free play outside or inside, goodbye to families
- Large group meeting time to discuss plans for the day, revisit previous days work, read a book, music as a group
- Healthy Snack
- Children work in groups of 2-4 children in areas – dramatic play, art, writing, construction, reading, math manipulatives, and music.
- Lunch
- Outside play
- Rest time
- Afternoon Snack
- Free choice outside or inside as families pick up
We also offer weekly music classes in all of our classrooms, weekly visits to the library for story hour, experiences in our garden, and cooking.
The Value of Mixed Age Groups (3-5 year olds)
Often parents will have questions about the value of mixed-age groups vs. single-age groups. We find mixed-age groups to be beneficial to the social and intellectual growth of students in the early childhood setting. Additionally, three-year-old children, who have come to love and trust their teacher and classmates, are not asked to give up their secure environment and transition into a new classroom. Their self-esteem grows as they are now the older ones who are comfortable and confident in their world. Research indicates that even very young children associate and expect different behaviors and abilities based on age. This awareness may be exhibited in the older child nurturing the younger child.